What We Do

How We Serve You

About ARTS
Our Mission: The Aroostook Regional Transportation System is dedicated to providing safe, reliable, and accessible transportation solutions across Aroostook County.
Our Vision: The Aroostook Regional Transportation System aspires to be the County’s leading regional transportation system that seamlessly connects our communities while enhancing the quality of life for our residents.
Aroostook Regional Transportation System, Inc. (ARTS) is a 501c3 non-profit organization founded in 1979. Since that time, ARTS has provided a demand-response door to door transportation services for the people of Aroostook County. ARTS provides transportation to all towns in Aroostook County, Patten/Stacyville in Penobscot County and Danforth in Washington County.
Transportation services are provided for the general public, individuals with disabilities, and the elderly at affordable rates. Services are provided for Aroostook Area Agency on Aging, Central Aroostook Association, ModivCare (MaineCare) and the Maine Department of Health and Human Services through a contracted rate with no charge to the individuals.